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El-Watch AS

El-Watch makes experts better
El-Watch is a technology company that develops and produces energy-efficient electronics and wireless communications.

We are based in central Norway. The company's in-house expertise has developed the "Neuron Sensors" sensor platform – a fully Norwegian product that include robust and wireless sensors, gateways, cloud solutions, and an app, thereby constituting a comprehensive solution particularly suitable for the industry.

The sensors can be installed in minutes and have a long lifespan with an energy-efficient battery.

Our sensors are utilized by major global corporations such as Alcoa and Smurfit Kappa, Norwegian industrial giants like Hydro, Elkem, and Bergene Holm, as well as various types of production environments with significant amounts of rotating equipment.

El-Watch offers a broad range of sensors that cover numerous applications, including:

• Predictive maintenance – monitoring of motors, pumps, fans, etc. 

• Measurement of humidity and temperature 

• Various forms of power consumption 

• Hour counters in vehicles 

• Monitoring of electrical installations 

• Tank level measurement, etc.

Through the Neuron system app, you can set your own alarm limits and access reports that meet the documentation requirements of various regulatory bodies in a simple and clear manner.

We have a short delivery time for our products, and our dedicated support department is ready to assist you if needed.

El-Watch AS
Rindalsvegen 6
6657 Rindal
VAT nummer: NO984565259
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