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Keyboards for harsh surroundings, vandalism risk, military

5 Examples - Regardless of whether for industrial, public or military applications, whether on land, water or in the air, we offer you the right input solution for every application.

Keyboards – we customize to your needs
Keyboards, whether they are made of stainless steel or plastic, both as a built-in version and in table or wall housings. We complement our compact and flat silicone keyboards, which are particularly suitable for installation in consoles, regardless of whether they are horizontal or vertical.

We customize  each of our keyboards to your request with a suitable country variant, different connection options and much more. And if none of the products we offer match the requirements required, we are happy to work with our customers to develop an individual, special solution.

Features for 86TES
⇒ Predestined for public surroundings (vandalism risk), industrial extreme surroundings
⇒ Dimensions of 334 x 150 x 32 mm
⇒ Keycaps and front panel made of stainless steel
⇒ Almost resistant to the effects of violence
⇒ Durability > 10 million ops.
⇒ Operation temperature 0°C – +60°C   (optional -20°C – +60°C)
⇒ Protection IP65, IK09

Features 82TES16 TB25
⇒ Predestined for public surroundings (vandalism risk), industrial extreme surroundings
⇒ Dimensions of 395 x 130 x 42 mm
⇒ Almost resistant to the effects of violence
⇒ Durability > 10 million ops.
⇒ Operation temperature 0°C – +60°C   (optional -20°C – +60°C)
⇒ Protection IP65, IK09

Features 65T-ES ATK
⇒ Predestined for public surroundings (vandalism risk), industrial extreme surroundings
⇒ Dimensions of 303 x 112 x 19 mm
⇒ Keycaps and front panel made of stainless steel
⇒ Almost resistant to the effects of violence
⇒ Durability > 1 million ops.
⇒ Operation temperature 0°C – +60°C  (optional -20°C – +60°C)
⇒ Protection IP65

Features DS105S TP
⇒ Predestined for industrial, military, and maritime applications in the harshest environments
⇒ Dimensions of 309 x 127 x 16 mm
⇒ Durability > 1 million ops.
⇒ Operation temperature -30°C – +60°C
⇒ Protection IP68
⇒ EMC Compliant acc. to DIN EN IEC 61000-6-2 and 61000-6-4

Features DS85S
⇒ Predestined for industrial, military, and maritime applications in the harshest environments
⇒ Dimensions of 238 x 127 x 16 mm
⇒ Durability > 1 million ops.
⇒ Operation temperature -30°C – +60°C
⇒ Protection class IP68
⇒ EMC Compliant acc. to DIN EN IEC 61000-6-2 and 61000-6-4
⇒ Climate test acc. to MIL-STD-810H 507.6 and DIN EN IEC 60068-2-1

⇒ See 5 examples of keyboards & Download datasheet from our partner Printec-DS Keyboard GmbH

Welcome to contact you local Team Player for more info and requests 
Recab Sweden 
Västberga Allé 5
SE – 126 30 Hägersten
Phone: + 46 8 683 03 00          

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Recab AB
126 30 Hägersten
Stockholms stad
VAT nummer: SE5566767967


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