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Fish Classification Using Zebra Aurora™ Vision Studio

Do you need to analyze a variety of objects where there may be some unclear boundaries for what is good and bad? In that case, AI may be something to take a closer look at. Make your own AI Applications

Make your own AI applications
With software from Zebra Aurora™ Vision, you can easily make your own AI applications or we at Recab will help you. You make your application in a graphical interface so you do not need any knowledge in programming.

The demo shows an example where we classify fish by species, find the direction of the fish, ie the head and determine the size.
The HMI interface is also made in the same graphical environment so that you can easily and quickly get a program ready to run.

Key facts:
Learns from few samples - Typical applications require between 20 and 50 images for training. The more the better, but our software internally learns key characteristics from a limited training set and then generates thousands of new artificial samples for effective training.
Works on GPU and CPU - A modern GPU is required for effective training. At production, you can use either GPU or CPU. GPU will typically be 3-10 times faster (with the exception of Object Classification which is equally fast on CPU).
The highest performance - Typical training time on a GPU is 5-15 minutes. Inference time varies depending on the tool and hardware between 5 and 100 ms per image. The highest performance is guaranteed by WEAVER, an industrial inference engine.

Click and Try free version of Zebra Aurora™ Vision

About Adaptive Vision
Since 2007 Adaptive Vision has been providing machine vision software, libraries and technical support. We specialize in creating effective and user-friendly technology as a reliable partner of machine builders, vision system integrators and industrial end-users. In 2016 we extended our offer with modern deep learning tools, and in 2019 we introduced further innovation by offering WEAVERTM inference engine for the highest inference performance. Since 2022 Adaptive Vision is a part of Zebra Technologies Europe Ltd

Read More Zebra Aurora™ Vision

Link to Zebra Aurora™ Vision

Zebra Aurora™ Vision – Deep learning Add on- Datasheet

-Free Download-

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